Thursday, March 12, 2009

4 years together!

We celebrated our fourth anniversary this year! I can't believe it. I feel like we have been together for a long time, but then it doesn't seem that long either. Andrew took me to a Rascal Flatts concert on our anniversary. It was so fun!

Later that weekend we went to a Renaissance Festival held here is Arizona. It was an experience to say the least. There were a lot of people dressed in their renaissance attire having a grand time, but it left us wondering what they do the rest of the year? Oh well! It was fun....once.


Marie Lefler said...

Once again, I am so jealous of you guys going to Rascal Flatts. What an awesome way to spend an anniversary. Rascal Flatts is the one group that I want to see the most.

Congrats on four years!

Danae said...

Gary says it was mean to put the bunny ears on Nathan. :) Great pictures!! Lots of love from the Lilyquist Family...

Josh said...

Hey Briggs! Congrats on a way cute family! Alicia and I have a little 7 mo. old boy named Levi...he's a stud. We're enjoying Colorado and being parents...crazy.

Wanna know something funny...I still listen to that song you recorded on our mission! Ah memories. Take care.


Josh said...

P.S. our blog is if you're interested.