Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ok, so this might look like and ordinary sleeping baby picture, but it was actually very cute. I was working on the computer and Nathan was playing on the floor. He was quiet and I looked over at him and he laid his head down on my blanket and fallen asleep. He usually fights going to sleep which is why I thought it was so cute that he was so tired he put himself down for a nap!


Emily West said...

So cute! I haven't looked at your blog for a while. I finally added you to my page! I'm such a bad friend!! Nathan is so adorable! You are a sweet happy family!

Zachary, Christen, and Chloe said...

That is so cute! I just blogged the same type picture of Chloe!!
I can't believe how big our little babies are getting!
Are you guys ready to have another?! :0) 9 months ago I thought I might be ready in 2 years... but it's funny how you forget. All the new spring babies in the ward make me want more!